I've Been Outside

As I’m getting older, I realize I’m a homebody…

I don’t go out and socialize as much as I used to. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s something, I’ve been wanting to change. I spent this past holiday season with my adopted family, and I had a BLAST! My very good-good friend and her family had me all around town enjoying the merriment of the season. Another one of my dearest friends invited me to her company’s holiday party and I partied like I was back in my early twenties. Ha! Although, my knees felt it the next day.

In the latter days of 2023, I’ve been outside more than I have all year (aside from traveling). That’s a real win for me because it has required effort and, it has stretched my social capacity to be around people. I think I’m still living with the effects of the pandemic in that I don’t like to be around a lot of people for extended periods. However (somebody say “But GOD!”), I am slowly but quickly coming out of that mentality.

I recently remembered praying for this at the beginning of the year. I put on my vision board, to be more social in 2023. I had a picture in my head of what that would look like, and when it didn’t happen immediately the way I thought, I forgot about it. The 2023 holiday season has reminded me of a few things:

  1. It’s not how you start, but how you finish.

    • This year has been a whirlwind of a rollercoaster for me. I’ll be honest and say I felt depressed for the majority of the year. I had dreams and aspirations for myself that didn’t seem to want to manifest. There were several times when I wanted to give up, completely. But each time I heard a voice say keep going.

  2. God hears and answers every prayer

    • Having a more social life, was a prayer I forgot I prayed earlier in the year. When it didn’t happen the way I expected or immediately, I decided it must not have been a necessity in my life. Which leads me to my next point

  3. God does not work on our clock

    • His timing is perfect and the best. Everything happens in due season. We have to get away from the instantaneous gratification and microwave satisfaction mentality. Great things take time and patience. When I look back over my year, I didn’t have the time or capacity to “go out” like I have in the past few weeks. I would’ve been burnt out, if I’m being honest with myself.

  4. Finally, God is in the small things as well as the big

    • Throughout 2023 God has been showing me his love, through the smallest acts, kindest gestures, as well as, the most mind-blowing miracles. Each time I let fear & doubt creep in and cause me to despair, he’d send a reminder of his love through the most unexpected ways. He also used the people in my life to bless me immensely! I don’t take it for granted and I’m eternally grateful. This year was a masterclass in learning God for myself.

I hope this has been encouraged you like it encouraged me. Writing this blog post, really blessed spirit and I’m excited for what 2024 will bring.

This was one of my favorite and most complimented outfits this season. I wanted to share the details with you.

If you’d like to recreate it, use the links below to purchase similar items.