You Have an Unnatural Allegiance to Losers it’s not Like You.”

-Katt Williams

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, I’m sure you’ve  seen or at minimum heard about the now infamous Katt Williams interview (more like comedy special) on the Club Shay Shay  podcast hosted by sports commentator Shannon Sharpe.  In the almost 3 hour conversation, viewed over 55 mil times on YouTube,  Williams unleashed a diatribe of hilarity on his fellow comedians and observations on the state of the culture. Amongst the rants, accusations and subtle insults there was one golden nugget that to me, stood out the most.  It was the moment Katt Williams slowly took a sip of cognac and said to Shannon Sharpe  “You have an unnatural allegiance to losers it’s not like you.”

Wow. I mean… wow.

As I watched the rest of the interview, that one line kept playing over in my head. It made me stop and take inventory of my life. What or who were the losers that I had an unnatural allegiance to? I’ll spare myself the embarrassment and you details of what I discovered.  But let’s get real , we’ve all held unnatural and ultimately unnecessary allegiances to people, places, habits, and things that do us more harm than good. It’s not in our nature, it’s not who we are or who we’re meant to be. In 2024 it’s time to break away and let that ‘ish go. Remember, at the beginning of the month, I told you, you are worthy of grace. Grace requires kindness. Kindness to yourself, requires eliminating things that will cause you harm. The losers.

Take stock, and ask yourself:

What or who are the losers in your life that you have held on to long enough?

  • Is it an abusive relationship

  • Unsupportive friends

  • Crippling addictions

  • Bad spending habits

  • Debt

  • Procrastination and listlessness

  • Maybe even depression

The beautiful thing is, you can untie yourself from these allegiances, and walk into a more prosperous and fulfilling life. Completely free. Let me be clear, it won’t be easy or instantaneous, but I promise it will be worth it.

personal blogVictoria Brown