Welcome to the Collective

Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love...
— Rumi

Hey Fam!

You’re here! You came! I'm so glad you decided to stop by! First, let me say welcome to my new home. As you can see, The V List has evolved to The V List Collective.  I have my own domain name and everything!  The V List Collective encapsulates all of my great loves: fashion, event planning, and travel. More importantly it gives me the opportunity to share my loves with others.

 I made a very deliberate decision to take a break from social media, earlier this year.  I logged-off, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter AND Instagram! I needed a mental reset from the daily barrage of Trump antics, internet trolls, and just the utter BS to put it quite frankly. I took that to time reflect, assess, and basically do life inventory. I realized I was devoting time and energy to things that weren’t beneficial to me. I was quickly approaching my 30s and I didn’t feel fulfilled. I realized that I wasn’t fulfilled because I wasn’t doing what I loved! I was watching everyone else find success doing what they’re passionate about and I felt like I was stuck in the mundane of things.

During my social media hiatus, I decided to focus my energy and really start using the talents God gave me. I love fashion; I have a talent for styling people. I thoroughly enjoy helping people look and feel good with a great outfit.  I love creating memorable events that people talk about years later. I have a talent for organizing, functions, parties, programs, and more. I had to really ask myself why I wasn’t capitalizing off my talents and passions? Especially when I saw soooo many blueprints from people who do it every day. I couldn’t find any reason other than fear. Me,? The girl who tries to live her life without any fear, was letting fear get in her way?! How could that be??  I had been sleeping on my gifts, not letting them make room for me.

So, while I was away from the social stratosphere, I came up with The V List Collective, the next step in The V List’s evolution. I'm bringing everything that I'm passionate about to you, the world, the universe! I'm bombarding my way past the fear, and really chasing after the life I want. 

I want to hear from you…what have you been holding out on doing because of fear? Comment below and let me know.

Until Next Time…
